
Sadler Consultants is run by Lucy Sadler, with over 20 years of air quality and transport policy, from technical, through research, to policy and implementation. She has run her own Consultancy since 2005 specialising in air quality policy working for clients all over the world.

Lucy is a world-renown expert in Europe’s Low Emission Zones (LEZs) and Urban Vehicle Access Regulations (UVARs), and increasingly Zero Emission Zones. Lucy has run Europe’s Low Emission Zone and Vehicle Access Regulations website since 2007 (see www.urbanaccessregulations.eu), providing complete and updated information on access regulations for all. Information is available on the website, or in other data formats on a paid-for basis.

As head of air quality for the Mayor of London, Lucy led the first London Air Quality Strategy; developing the Low Emission Zone and congestion charging, and has since gained much experience from around Europe, to have detailed expert insights into Access Regulations.

Lucy leads the Zero Emission Zone workstream in the EU UVAR project, ReVeAL.

The one-stop for Access Regulations, we also provide Access Regulation, including Zero Emission Zone, data,

Perhaps Embed the homepage of www.urbanaccessregulations.eu.

And somehow a contact, to contact@airqualitypolicy.eu, and my CV